The LCR department was well represented at the 10th International Symposium on Hodgkin Lymphoma (ISHL10) in Cologne, Germany. Dr. Christian Steidl, Dr. Anja Mottok, and Fong Chun Chan were attendees and gave the following presentations:
- Dr. Christian Steidl chaired the Biomarkers workshop and gave a talk on “Gene expression profiling of the HL microenvironment” at the Scientific Session 3 - Biology and Microenvironment
- Dr. Anja Mottok gave a poster presentation on her work on “Prediction of primary treatment response and outcome in pediatric Hodgkin lymphoma using digital gene expression profiling”
- Fong Chun Chan gave a talk on “Outcome prediction of aSCT using Hodgkin Lymphoma relapse biopsies” in the Biomarkers Workshop.